You are quiet, the world of see,
except when you became a wave
and you foum your silence
towards the shore.
The white foam reveals the secrets,
tells the depths.
You kiss the reefs,
the hips of boats,
you carry the sky.
Waves – the notes of your melody
carrying the reflection of the sun on their back,
until your poem is sang to the end,
to endlessnesses.
As if the smile has never been gone,
as if the dreams have never been stolen,
as if the heart has never stopped beating,
as if the sadness never was here:
that’s what this day is alike,
that’s what this moment is alike,
that’s how this life should be.
Kiss of birth.
As if the stolen would return!
Like in one dream pictured day,
like a heart, wrapped in a poem,
like a wave, in its endlessness sliding along the shore
winding and winding:
That’s how God pours all the beauty in just one
single moment. |
Tih si svet morja,
razen ko val postaneš
in svojo tišino
ob obalo speniš.
Bela pena izda skrivnosti,
pove globine.
Poljubljaš čeri,
boke ladij,
nosiš nebo.
Valovi – note tvoje melodije
na svojem hrbtu nosijo odsev sonca,
dokler se pesem tvoja ne izpoje,
v neskončnosti do konca.
Kot da smeh nikoli ni odšel,
kot da sanje nikoli niso bile ukradene,
kot da srce nikoli ni prenehalo biti,
kot da žalosti nikoli ni bilo:
tak je ta dan,
tak je ta trenutek,
takšno bi življenje moralo biti.Poljub rojstva.
Kot da ukradeno bi se vrnilo!
Kot v sanje naslikan dan,
kot v pesem zavito srce,
kot val, ki v svoji neskončnosti čez obalo drsi
se vije in vije:
tako bog svojo lepoto v en sam trenutek izlije. |